Muslima Gulyamova at Fund Raiser for Institute for Myeloma & Bone Cancer Research

I think, when real life problems come your human love is awakened. The basic human instinct and experience is that of kindness and compassion.

– Muslima Gulyamova, Filmmaker at

_____________________________________’s Inspirational Film “Always Provide Hope” was shown at the Luncheon with the Stars at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills benefiting The Institute for Myeloma & Bone Cancer Research. The Institute is headed by one of the worlds foremost experts in Myeloma Cancer, Jim Berenson. Afterwards, we were happy to be greeted by one of the people in the audience, a film music composer, who kindly offered to write and donate his music for any of our future films about Jim Berenson. A testament to humanity being awakened within us. The very essence of the foundation of the creation of —> leading to happier, kinder and more meaningful communities. Thank you Ian Freebairn-Smith.

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